Tonight we are gathering to begin our study of The Imitation of Christ. We will be looking at the first five chapters or meditations. Our approach to “The Imitation of Christ” will be a little different from the way we have approached the other books we have read through. For example, in studying Chesterton’s “Orthodoxy” we looked at the book within its historical and cultural setting to better understand the work, or in Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation” we sought to understand Athanasius’ teaching on the incarnation and salvation for us to hopefully gain a greater personal understanding of the divine economy (God’s interaction with the world). In reading through the “Imitation of Christ” we will primarily engage in what is called “reader-response criticism”. Under this type of analysis, the truth of the work is found in our personal, subjective response to the work. In other words, our questions will not be what was á Kempis’s purpose or intention in regard to a particular passage; rather we want to look at how that particular passage speaks to you. Our study over the next several weeks will not be as concerned with the objective questions where the focus is on the book but will be more subjective and focused on how we can be transformed into the image of God through our imitation of Christ Jesus. Therefore, as you read, meditate, and inwardly digest the words of á Kempis focus on how those words affect you, convict you, and ultimately transform you.
Dinner is at 6. The menu is meatball subs. Discussion at 6:45. Bring a friend. Hope to see you here.