Ancient Anglican

A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.

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The Gospel of Luke – Luke 10:25-11:28 – The Lawyer’s Question

Jesus moved the lawyer’s inquiry, which sought to husband God’s grace in isolated security and purity, to one of extending God’s grace to the whole world. In other words, Jesus’ response to the lawyer’s testing shows just how far the mission that began with the Twelve and then the Seventy will extend.
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A Sermon on Our Sin and God’s Cleansing (Isa. 6:1-8)

As you receive the communion wafer, let it touch your lips, and at that moment, know that you are no longer a person of unclean lips. And as you allow the wafer to pass through your lips, experience the grace of God coming upon you – in all of its wonder and awe and its amazement and incomprehension.
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The Gospel of Luke – Luke 8:4-39 – The Tempest

Jesus knows that metaphorical storms will come upon the apostles and the church, and he wants his disciples (including us) to have a faith that trusts God to achieve his purpose even through disorder and apparent destruction.
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The Gospel of Luke – Luke 6:17-49 – The Sermon on the Plain

We must love our neighbors, even those who are our enemies, and we cannot judge others by pointing out their sins when we still have sins of own. Rather, to be a follower of Jesus, we must always have an attitude of spiritual impoverishment borne of humility and contrition.
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