Study Group Outline

In leading our study group, I have often struggled with the topics to address or finding the resources to provide the background to the discussions. Below are the lessons that we have discussed since our beginning on January 10, 2013. My prayer is that this page can be a resource for other small group leaders. The early lessons were merely introductions to the study group. As we evolved, I realized that many people only read the lessons and did not attend. Therefore, the later lessons are more complete.


Epiphany/Lent – Psalms (Study Link)
Reflections on the Psalms – C.S. Lewis
Psalms, The Prayer Book of the Bible – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Praying the Psalms with the Early Christians –Mike Aquilina

Easter – Resurrection Appearances (Study Link)
Resurrection of the Son of God – N.T. Wright

Summer – Ephesians (Study Link), Colossians (Study Link), Philemon (Study Link)
Paul for Everyone, the Prison Letters – N.T. Wright
Sermons on Philemon – John Chrysostom

Autumn (1) – Abraham (Study Guide)
How to Read the Bible – James Kugel
Assorted Jewish, Christian, and Islamic readings

Autumn (2) – OrthodoxyC. K. Chesterton (Study Guide)
Study Guide – Alfred J. Freddoso, Notre Dame
Study Guide – Joe Grabowski, Marquette
Study Guide – Kyle D. Rapinchuk, College of the Ozarks

Advent – Angels (Study Guide)
The Celestial Hierarchy – Dionysius
The Angels in Catholic Teaching and Tradition – Fr. Pascale Parente
Lifted by Angels – Joel Miller 


Epiphany – Ezekiel (Study Link)
Homilies on Ezekiel – Origen
Holman OT Commentary on Ezekiel
How to Read the Bible – James Kugel

Lent – Seven Capital SinsFulton Sheen (Study Link)
The Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins – John Zimrak

Easter – Parables (Study Link)
Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
The Parables – Archbishop Dmitri Royster (OCA)

Summer – 1 Corinthians (Study Link)
Paul for Everyone, First Corinthians – N.T. Wright
The Letters to the Corinthians – William Barclay

Autumn (1) – On the IncarnationAthanasius (Study Link)
Introductions by C.S. Lewis and John Behr
Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers – Christopher Hall

Autumn (2) – Amos (Study Link)
The Prophets – Abraham Heschel
Amos, Doing What is Right – Robert Baker

Advent – Luke’s Infancy Narratives (Study Link)
Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
Luke for Everyone – N.T. Wright
The Roman Empire During the Time of Jesus – Kurt Willems
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament – D.A. Carson


Epiphany – Epiphany lectionary (Study Link)
Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
The Holy Feast of the Theophany – Ayman Kfouf
The Infancy Narratives – Pope Benedict XVI
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament – D.A. Carson
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time – Marcus Borg

Lent – Looking through the Cross – Graham Tomlin (Study Link)

Easter – The Imitation of Christ, Books I and II – Thomas á Kempis (Study Link)
Meditation on the Imitation of Christ: A Vedantic Interpretation – Swami Chidakarananda 

Summer (1) – 2 Corinthians (Rob Donahue) (Study Link)
Paul for Everyone, Second Corinthians – N.T. Wright
The Letters to the Corinthians – William Barclay

Summer (2) – Lord’s Prayer (Study Link)
Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
On the Lord’s Prayer – Tertullian, Cyprian, & Origen – St. Vladimir’s Press
Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s PrayerHerman Witsius
The Institutes (Book 3, Chapter 20) – John Calvin
The Lord’s Prayer – A Collection of Historical Writings – Curtis Rose

Autumn – Gospel of Mark (Fr. Gabriel Bullock) (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
The Anchor-Yale Bible Commentary on Mark – Joel Marcus
The Genesis of Secrecy – Frank Kermode

Advent – The Theotokos (Fr. Gabriel Bullock) (Study Link)
Protoevangelium of James
Mary and The Fathers of the Church – Luigi Gambero
The Mystery of Christ – John Behr


Epiphany – Crazy Christians – Michael Curry (Study Link)

Lent – The Return of the Prodigal Son – Henri J. M. Nouwen (Study Link)
The Cross and the Prodigal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants – Kenneth Bailey

Easter – The Imitation of Christ, Book III – Thomas á Kempis (Study Link)

Summer (1) – 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Study Link)
Paul for Everyone, Galatians and Thessalonians – N.T. Wright
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Paul and the Popular Philosophers – Abraham Malherbe

Summer (2) – The Beatitudes (Study Link)
The Beatitudes – Developing Spiritual Character – John Stott
Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount – Martin Luther
Sermons on the Beatitudes – Gregory of Nyssa
Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
Ethics – Aristotle
The Prophets – Abraham Heschel

Autumn – Hebrews (Fr. Gabriel Bullock) (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Letter to the Hebrews – William Barclay

Advent – Readings from Isaiah, Advent Year A. (Study Link)


Epiphany – The Creed – Luke Timothy Johnson (Study Link)
Early Christian Creeds – J.N. D. Kelly
Clues to the Nicene Creed – David Willis   
Person and Eros – Christos Yannaras  
On the Incarnation – Athanasius
The Christian Tradition, Vol I and Vol. II – Jaroslav Pelikan
Roots of Christian Mysticism – Oliver Clément 

Lent The Great DivorceC.S. Lewis (Study Link)

Easter – The Imitation of Christ, Book IV, Thomas á Kempis (Study Link)

Summer – Romans (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament, Luke Timothy Johnson
Romans – A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Ben Witherington
Paul for Everyone, N.T. Wright
Justification, N.T. Wright
Paul and the Stoics, Troels Engberg-Pedersen
Commentary on the New Testament’s Use of the Old Testament, D. A. Carson 

Autumn – Hymns (Study Link)
Then Sings My Soul, Robert J. Morgan
The Gospel in Hymns, Albert Bailey
St. Ambrose, The Father of Western Hymnody, Vincent A. Lenti “The Hymn” Vol. 48, No. 4, pp.44-48

Autumn (2) – Outreach: UMC Flood Buckets
            College/Home Bound Care Packages

Advent – Martin Luther’s Christmas Book – Roland Bainton (Study Link)


Epiphany – His Great Name – Joanne Ellison (Study Link)

Lent – Isaiah’s Book of Consolation (Four Servant Songs) (Study Link)
The Suffering Servant in Deutero-Isaiah – Christopher North
The Prophets – Abraham Heschel
The Prophetic Imagination – Walter Brueggemann

Easter – Becoming a Healing Presence – Albert S. Rossi (Study Link)
The Inner Kingdom, Kallistos Ware

Summer – Galatians (12 weeks) (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Commentary on GalatiansMartin Luther
Paul for Everyone, Galatians and Thessalonians – N.T. Wright
Justification – N.T. Wright
Paul and the Stoics – Troels Engberg-Pedersen
The New Testament – David Bently Hart

Autumn (1) – James (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Anchor-Yale Bible Commentary on James – Luke Timothy Johnson
Letters for Jewish Christians – A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary – Ben Witherington

Autumn (2) – Jude (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Letters for Jewish Christians – A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary – Ben Witherington

Autumn (3) – Outreach: College/Home Bound Care Packages

Advent – Ponder These Things – Praying With the Icons of the Virgin – Rowan Williams (Study Link)


Epiphany – Bad Girls of the Bible – Liz Curtis-Higgs (Study Link)
In Potiphar’s House – James Kugel
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth Bailey
Homilies on Joshua – Origen

Lent – Ecclesiastes (Ch. 1-6) (Study Link)
JPS Commentary on Ecclesiastes – Fox
The Myth of Sisyphus – Albert Camus
 The Resurrection of the Son of God (Ch. 3) N.T. Wright

Easter – Immortal Diamond – Richard Rohr (Study Link)
Theophany (Ch. 7 Symbolism) – Eric Perl

Summer – The Pastoral Epistles (Study Link)
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Paul for Everyone, 1 &2 Timothy and Titus – N.T. Wright
Paul and the Popular Philosophers – Abraham Malherbe

Autumn 1 –  Provocations (Works of Love) – Soren Kierkegaard (Study Link)

Autumn 2 – Sermon on the Mount (excl. Beatitudes, Lord’s Prayer) (Study Link)
Studies on the Sermon on the Mount – Oswald Chambers
The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air – Soren Kierkegaard
The Sermon on the Mount – Emmet Fox

Advent – Malachi (Study Link)


Epiphany – The First Creation Story (Study Link)
JPS Torah  Commentary: Genesis
Rabbah Bereshit
Enuma Elish
Confessions (Books 11, 12, 13) – Augustine
The Literal Meaning of Genesis – Augustine
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Evil as Negation (City of God, Summa, Divine Names, On the Incarnation)
Roots of Early Christian Mysticism (Ch. 5) – Clement
Spirit and Fire – von Balthasar
Proverbs, John, Colossians, Revelation.

Lent – Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life – Abp. Rowan Williams (Study Link)

Easter (online) –  Resurrection Appearances – 1 Cor., Matt, John, Luke, Ascension, Pentecost (Study Link)
The Resurrection of the Son of God – N.T. Wright

Autumn – The Story of King David (Study Link)
I & II Samuel – David F. Payne
David, The Divided Heart – David Wolpe

Advent – Leo the Great on Christmas (Sermon 21 and Sermon 26) (Study Link)


Epiphany – Trains, Jesus, and Murder: The Gospel according to Johnny Cash – Richard Beck (Study Link)

Lent – Passion Predictions in the Gospel of John (Study Link)
Commentary on the New Testament’s Use of the Old Testament – D.A. Carson 

Easter – Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe (Study Link)
For the Life of the World – Alexander Schmemann

Summer 1 – The Letters of John (Study Link)
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Vol. I – Ben Witherington
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
On Being Human – Oliver Clement

Summer 2 – Jonah (Study Link)
Strong as Death is Love – Robert Alter
Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah – Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The Book of Jonah – A Social Justice Commentary – Rab. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Autumn – The Screwtape Letters – C.S. Lewis (John Cleese’s reading) (Study Link)
Study Guide – C.S. Lewis Institute
Study Guide – Alan Vermilye
Spark Notes 

Advent – Matthew’s Infancy Narratives (Study Link)
Matthew for Everyone – N. T. Wright
Jesus of Nazareth – The Infancy Narratives – Pope Benedict XVI’s


Epiphany – Adam & the Fall (Genesis 2-3) (Study Link)
JPS Torah  Commentary: Genesis
Death as a Curse – Richard Beck “Experimental Theology”
Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death – Jordan Peterson
On the Incarnation – St. Athanasius

Lent – Living His Story – Rev. Dr. Hanna Steele (ABC’s 2021 Lenten Study) (Study Link)

Easter/Summer – The Book of Revelation (Study Link)
Reading Revelation Responsibly – Dr. Michael J. Gorman
The Apocalypse of St. John – Fr. Lawrence R. Farley
Reading Revelation in Prison – Richard Beck “Experimental Theology”
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
Commentary on the New Testament’s Use of the Old Testament – D.A. Carson
The Prophets “The Meaning and Mystery of Wrath” and “Ira Dei” – Abraham Heschel
Her Gates Will Never Be Shut – Brad Jersak

Autumn – Kingdom, Grace, Judgment – The Parables of Jesus – Fr. Robert F. Capon (Study Link)
Commentary on Kingdom, Grace, Judgment – Fr. Aidan Kimel “Eclectic Orthodoxy”

Advent The Carols of Christmas – Alan Vermilye (Study Link)


Epiphany/Lent: Prayer in the Night – Rev. Tish Harrison Warren (Study Link)

Easter: The Way of Love – Rev. Scott Gunn (Forward Movement) (Study link)

Summer 1: The First Letter of Peter (Pastor Joshua Sorrows) (Study Link)
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Vol. II – Ben Witherington
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
The Jewish Annotated New Testament – Amy-Jill Levine

Summer 2: The Second Letter of Peter (Study Link)
Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Vol. II – Ben Witherington
The Writings of the New Testament – Luke Timothy Johnson
The Jewish Annotated New Testament – Amy-Jill Levine

Autumn: Everywhere You Look: Discovering the Church Right Where You Are – Pastor Tim Soren (Study Link)
Don’t Look Back – Will Willimon
The Second Mountain – David Brooks

Advent: Elijah (Study Link)
Testimony to Otherwise: The Witness of Elijah and Elisha – Walter Brueggemann
Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation – Daniel Matt 


Epiphany: Stories of Epiphany (Magi, Baptism, Cana, Healings, Transfiguration) (Study Link)

Lent: The Prophetic Imagination – Walter Brueggemann (Study Link)
The Prophets – Abraham Heschel

Easter: Revelations of Divine Love – Julian of Norwich (Study Link)
An  Explorer’s Guide to Julian of Norwich  – Veronica Rolf 
Love’s Trinity: A Companion to Julian of Norwich – John Roden

Summer: Philippians (Study Link)
Paul for Everyone, the Prison Letters – N.T. Wright
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – Ben Witherington