Tonight we are gathering to discuss Revelations 10-12 (§13) of Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love (Short Text). For these readings, I encourage you to also read the Long Text versions as well (§§24-26).
Revelation Ten: The Wounded Side (p.19, §13 short text, §24 long text)
Previously, Julian wrote of the three natures of her Revelations: bodily sight, understanding, and spiritual vision. p.10, § 7. At times, Julian is careful to tell us what nature a Revelation came to here as. At other times, such as in Revelation Ten, Julian simultaneously allows all three natures to be present.
In this Revelation, Jesus shows Julian his wounded side through which the soldier’s spear pierced his heart. See, John 19:34. The vision begins with the physical wound. Jesus then allows Julian to enter into himself through the wound into a place large enough for all people. Having entered into Christ through the wound, Julian then is shown Jesus’s divine heart which was split in two and poured out for us in the Crucifixion. This divine heart is the symbol of Christ’s “endless love that was without beginning, and is, and shall be forever.”
Take the time to slowly read the long text version of this Revelation and allow Julian to draw your spirit into her world and her vision.
Revelation Eleven: Mary (p.19, §13 short text, §25 long text)
Throughout her Revelations, Julian sees Mary as well. pp. 3, 7, 15-16. This Revelation, however, is the only Revelation directly concerned with Mary. Mary was greatly venerated and loved by medieval Christians, particularly women. Julian prays that she would be given a physical vision of Mary in bodily likeness. However, Jesus did not give Julian a physical vision of his mother, only a spiritual vision, but this vision was of Mary as high, noble, and glorious.
As you meditate on this Revelation, see the love between Jesus and Mary. In the long text, Julian expands on this Revelation and adds the line from Jesus “Would you like to see in her how you are loved.” In other words, in this Revelation, Mary becomes the representative of all of humanity. Therefore, just as Christ glorifies Mary, so will he glorify all of us as well. See the love between Jesus and you.
Revelation Twelve: It is I (p.19, §13 short text, §26 long text)
In this very brief Revelation, Jesus shows himself fully glorified to Julian. In this Revelation, we see the foundational Biblical understanding of the supremacy of Christ. See, John 1:1-18, Col. 1:15-20. This Revelation also goes back to Paul’s understanding that in Jesus Christ we have that name which is above all names, such that all designations ultimately point towards him. See, Phil. 2:9. A much longer exploration of “It is I” is The Divine Names by Pseudo-Dionysius. He was a popular writer in 14th-century England (see, The Cloud of Unknowing) and Julian appears to draw heavily on his works here.
Dinner is at 6. The menu is baked potato bar extravaganza. Discussion about 6:45. May 8 is the Feast of Julain of Norwich. We will end with a celebration of Evening Prayer. Hope to see you here!
My child, look and see your Lord God, your creator and your endless joy. See what delight and bliss I have in your salvation, and for my love rejoice with me now. Julian of Norwich, Long Text §24, Tenth Revelation.