Ephesians 5:6-20, Children of Light

Tonight we will be discussing Ephesians 5:1-20, where Paul continues his encouragement for his audience to leave behind the behaviors of the world, and to live as Christ would have us live.

Sons of Disobedience: (v.6)

In 5:3-5, Paul gives us those specific behaviors that he expects the Christian community to avoid – sexual immorality, greed, and obscene speech. The people of this world who are under the dominion of the powers and principalities of this world engage in these types of behaviors. Paul calls these people the “Sons of Disobedience” which is the same term Paul used in Ephesians 2:2. Our discussion of that term is Here. For Paul, the way we live our lives demonstrates who we serve – Christ or the Ruler of the Air.

Children of Light: (vv. 7-14)

Paul writes that those who serve Christ are the “Children of Light” as opposed to the Sons of Disobedience. Paul writes that his audience once too lived in darkness under the dominion of the powers of darkness and performed works of darkness, but now they are the Light. And the Light is everything and every work that is “good and right and true.” v.9. As we have looked at before, it is the very nature of evil and darkness to be that which is not good, not right, not true, and not light. This is what Paul says we must avoid.

Paul’s expectation for the church is that we will act in accordance with the Good. In acting in such a way, the church will expose the unfruitful works of the darkness of the world. The Church does this, not by scolding those still in the world, but by showing them the Light which is Christ, and thereby being attractive to them. In Greek thought at the time of Paul, no one intentionally prefers darkness and evil, and so if the Church walks as Children of Light, the Church will bring others out of darkness and into the Light, and be that Light to enlighten the nations.

Drunk on the Spirit: (vv.15-20)

Not only are Christians to walk in the Light of everything that is good, right, and true, but a Christian life also requires care, diligence, and wisdom in understanding the will of Christ. vv.15-17. This understanding comes from the Spirit. As Paul writes, “Do not get drunk on wine, but be filled with the Spirit.” v.18. If you remember the story of Pentecost, the disciples who were filled with the Spirit, were accused of being drunk. Acts 2:15. Like addicts who have been given over to the power of a controlled substance, so Paul sees the church as being given over to the power of the Spirit. It is in this power of the Spirit that the community maintains its unity (Eph. 4:3) in speaking, singing, giving thanks, and submitting one to another. Proper behavior will thereby follow.   

Dinner is a 6. The menu is Oktoberfest. Discussion about 6:45. Compline around 8. Hope to see you here!

Arise, shine; for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
    and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you,
    and his glory will be seen upon you.
And nations shall come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your rising.
Isaiah 60:1-3

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