This evening we will conclude our Advent study of Angels. Hebrews says that “angels are ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation.” Tonight we will look at the ministry of angels from providing sustenance in the desert to aiding and abetting a prison escape. Our angels assist us in our spiritual struggles and will escort us into the life that is to come. The discussion will end earlier than usual tonight in order to allow you to share your personal experiences with angels. I have never had an experience with angels, but several of you have mentioned your own to me. Our Advent study will conclude with Evening Prayer, Rite I using the rubrics for the celebration of the Holy Angels.
Dinner is served at 6. Discussion begins at 6:45 with the Te Deum. The menu is make-your-own nachos. Please bring a friend or neighbor. Hope to see you here.
But the point on which the Scriptures specially insist is that which tends most to our comfort, and to the confirmation of our faith, namely, that angels are the ministers and dispensers of the divine bounty towards us. Accordingly, we are told how they watch for our safety, how they undertake our defense, direct our path, and take heed that no evil befall us.
John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Ch. 14, § 5