From Advent through the first Tuesday of Easter, we will journey through the entire Gospel of Luke, and read through the “orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us.” Luke 1:1. This lesson begins with a prequel of Isaiah 56-66 and ends with the Ascension in Acts 1:11. The outline of our study is HERE. Advent 2024 begins Lectionary Year C, which is focused on Luke’s Gospel. As background reading for this study, I will generally use The Gospel of Lukeby Amy-Jill Levin and Ben Witherington, Luke for Everyone by N.T. Wright, along with other materials. No outside readings are required. This study is seventeen weeks. (Advent, Epiphany, Lent 2025)
In Luke, Jesus begins his ministry by reading from Isaiah 61:1-2. Throughout his Gospel, Luke will use the themes of these prophecies found in the last section of Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66) to tell us who Jesus is.
Next Tuesday, we will begin our walk through Luke’s Gospel starting with the introduction and nativity of John the Baptist in Luke 1 and ending with the Resurrection and Ascension in Luke 24 and Acts 1. All you will need during our journey is a Bible.
Luke is the only Gospel that gives us the background of John the Baptist. In the other gospels, we first meet John beside the Jordan River. Here, Luke begins with his parents, Zechariah, a priest, and his wife Elizabeth.
Jesus is not “redeemed” and restored to his parents under the Law, but personally given over completely to God in the Temple and from now on belongs to him completely. – Pope Benedict XVI
John the Baptist was “a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue; both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God; and so to come to baptism.” – Flavius Josephus