Leo the Great was the bishop of Rome from 440 until his death in 461. In history, he is best known for convincing Attila the Hun to spare Rome and cease his Italian campaign. In Church History, Leo is best known for his arguments in carrying the day at the Council of Chalcedon that Christ is of two natures in one person. His Christmas sermons reflect his emphasis on the centrality of the Incarnation to our Faith. This Advent Lesson covers three weeks and his sermons 21 and 26.
(Advent 2020)
Introduction to St. Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation” by C.S. Lewis
We need the books that will correct the characteristic mistakes of our own period. And that means the old books.
Leo the Great Christmas Sermons (Sermon 21)
St. Leo tells us that Christmas is a time for joy because our redemption is at hand. We are obtaining eternal life and our fear of death had died; therefore, we must rejoice.
Leo the Great Christmas Sermons (Sermon 26, week 1)
At Christmas, the Maker of the world becomes the son of whom He created.
Leo the Great Christmas Sermons (Sermon 26, week 2)
At Christmas, we we too are born of God on this day.
St. Leo at Christmas
No one is kept from sharing in this happiness. There is for all one common measure of joy, because as our Lord the destroyer of sin and death finds no one free from charge, so He has come to free us all.