This week, we will continue our journey through Luke with Luke 7:24-8:39. Although we were snowed out last week, this week’s discussions will focus primarily on the Sermon on the Plain and Jesus’s ministry with women. In this week’s readings, we see Jesus’s relationship with women, and Jesus begins teaching in parables.
John the Baptist: (vv.7:24-35)
Our reading begins with Jesus discussing John the Baptist. As we looked at last week, John’s disciples recently came to Jesus asking if he was the Messiah, to which he responded somewhat enigmatically. vv. 18-23.
When the messengers had gone, Jesus began to speak to the crowd. He says that no one went to see John, expecting to see a king. (A shaking reed was on the coinage of King Herod and Herod arrayed himself in gorgeous appeal and lived in luxury. vv.24b-25) Rather, people went to see a prophet. John, Jesus tells us, was not just any prophet, but the one foretold about in Malachi 3:1 who prepares the way of the Lord. Jesus emphasizes, however, that John is the last of the old way under the Law and the Prophets (see, Luke 16:16) therefore, even the least in the new Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John. v.28. The new has come in Jesus, and the old has passed away.
The Woman Who Loved Much (vv. 36-50)
After the discussion of John the Baptist, Luke gives us the story of the sinful woman and Simon the Pharisee. The other gospels place this interaction in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper during Holy Week after the plot to kill Jesus was hatched. Mk. 14:3-9, Matt. 26:6-13, Jn. 12:1-8. Luke places the story here early in his gospel.
The story has three characters. Simon the Pharisee who wants to see who Jesus is. Jesus. And the “sinful woman” whose sin and name go unknown (not unlike the name of the Centurion and Widow last week). Picture the scene Luke gives us. Simon and Jesus are reclining at the dinner table eating, drinking, and discussing. The home is open to allow for a cross-breeze. A woman walks in with a jar of perfume who also wants to see Jesus. Unlike Simon, she is overwhelmed in Jesus’s presence. She falls at his feet and bursts into tears. Her hair falls down in an undignified manner, and she uses it to wipe Jesus’ feet as she kisses them. She finally gets around to her purpose and anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume in a show of gratitude.
Simon is indignant that this person – who is sinful and a woman and uninvited – dared to interrupt his conversation with this supposed prophet. Simon not only lashes out at the woman but at Jesus as well for allowing this to happen.
Jesus then tells the story of a creditor who shows grace to two debtors—one who owes little and one who owes a lot. He asks Simon which debtor would be more grateful. Simon gives the correct answer, and Jesus blesses the sinful woman (who carries the greater debt) and forgives her sins.
Luke wants Theophilus to see himself at this dinner table. The question Luke poses to his audience is how do we approach Jesus – as the Pharisee or as the woman? Do we exhibit overwhelming gratitude or merely curious conversation?
The Three Women: (vv. 8:1-3)
Luke then tells us of three women who also accompanied Jesus along with the Twelve. Two of these women will be explicitly named as being at Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning. Luke 24:10. The first woman mentioned is Mary Magdalene. This is a different Mary than the Mary of Bethany who appears later in Luke’s Gospel. Luke 10:39.
The second woman is Jo-Anna, the wife of Herod’s steward. Her status is not surprising. Josephus tells us that the wife of Herod’s brother, Pheroras, was an ardent follower and financial supporter of the Pharisees. Antiquities (Bk.XVII.2.4). After Peter, this is the second person mentioned who has left her life behind to follow Jesus. The final woman is Susanna, whom we know nothing else about.
This section has four people – Jesus, the Twelve, the Three Women, and others. Verse 3 ends with the passive statement that “were ministering (Gk: diakoneo) to them (or him) out of their means.” Luke’s syntax is uncertain as to whether the Twelve and/or the Three were ministering to Jesus or being ministered to by the Others. We simply do not know the status of these three named women within Jesus’s grouping. They may have had a similar insider status as did the Twelve or they may simply be the leaders of the women’s auxiliary.
Dinner is at 6. The menu is manicotti. Discussion about 6:45. Compline around 8. Please join us!
I entreat Euodia and Syntyche to agree in the Lord. . . . for these women have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. Phil. 4:2-3