This Tuesday, we are gathering to conclude our discussion of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be looking at the doxology – “for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever” – and generally reviewing the Lord’s Prayer as a whole. Before Tuesday, please take the time to write out your own version of the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gave us the Prayer as a template to follow, not as a mantra to repeat. If you finish your prayer by Monday, please email it to me and I will include your version in the Tuesday email. You can find other personal versions of the Lord’s Prayer HERE and HERE. Below is Dante’s revision of the prayer as contained in Canto XI of the Purgatorio.
We will begin our ten-week study of Mark’s Gospel Tuesday-week. Father Gabriel of St. Nicholas will be leading the study. As background material, he will be using Luke Timothy Johnson’s The Writings of the New Testament. I should have a few books available this Tuesday. However, you will not need the book to join us.
Dinner is at 6. The menu is sausage and peppers. Discussion about 6:45. Hope to see you here.
Our Father, You who dwell within the heavens –
but are not circumscribed by them – out of
Your greater love for Your first works above,
Praised by Your name and Your omnipotence,
by every creature, just as it is seemly
to offer thanks to Your effluence.
Your kingdom’s peace come unto us, for if
it does not come, then though we summon all
our force, we cannot reach it of ourselves.
Just as Your angels, as they sing Hosanna,
offer their wills to You as sacrifice,
so may men offer up their will to You.
Give unto us this day the daily manna
without which he who labors most to move
ahead through this harsh wilderness falls back.
Even as we forgive all who have done
us injury, may You, benevolent,
forgive, and do not judge us by our worth.
Try not our strength, so easily subdued,
against the ancient foe, but set it free
from him who goads it to perversity
This last request we now address to You,
dear Lord, not for ourselves – who have no need –
but for the ones whom we have left behind.