Charles Jordan

Luther’s Christmas Sermons: Herod, Wise Men, and the Presentation, pt.2

In the Presentation, Simeon, an ordinary man, takes Jesus in his arms and praises God for the coming Messiah.  The priests, however, who performed the purification ritual under the Law (Lev. 12) failed to recognize who was in their presence. They simply took their fee and moved on. A common man recognized the Messiah, while the religious leaders were blind to him. For us, the question is when do we do the same?

Luther’s Christmas Sermons: Herod, Wise Men, and the Presentation, pt.2 Read More »

Luther’s Christmas Sermons: Herod, Wise Men, and the Presentation, pt.1

If we Christians would join the Wise Men, we must close our eyes to all that glitters before the world and look rather on the despised and foolish things, help the poor, comfort the despised, and aid the neighbor in need.”  We should not build churches of wood and stone, but build up the spiritual temples of going to the least of these.

Luther’s Christmas Sermons: Herod, Wise Men, and the Presentation, pt.1 Read More »