Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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Hebrews 8-9
If Jesus is a forerunner on our behalf then, as we discussed, so too are we part of this new priestly order. As members of this new order of priests, we do not require the intermediation of another person such as the Aaronic priesthood.
Hebrews 8
To paraphrase Anselm: the only sacrifice truly worthy to be made to God, is God himself. However, since it is we that sinned and caused the rupture with God, it can only be one of us that makes the sacrifice. The solution is the Incarnation.
Hebrews 5-7, pt.2
Therefore, as we read through these chapters, think about whether we, like the intended recipients of the letter, fail to have a mature faith. How do we, like them, ground our salvation in legal obedience or ritual observance and not in the freedom given to us by Christ?
Hebrews 5-7, pt.1
The main character in this section is Melchizedek of (Jeru)Salem –which means the King of Righteousness and Peace.
Hebrews 5-6
When we say that Jesus is our Great High Priest, we see him as fulfilling both roles of the priestly sacrifice – priest and victim. He is Abraham and Isaac, Aaron and the scapegoat.
Hebrews 3-4, pt.4
The overriding theme of this passage is the superiority of Christ to Moses. We will find this same theme running through both the Gospels of Matthew and John.
Hebrews 3-4, pt.3
As you read through these chapters pay attention to how the writer uses the word “rest” in 4:1-13. The writer will use the word literally, allegorically, and eschatologically.
Hebrews 3-4, pt.2
Tonight we will discuss these passages from the Old Testament, and discuss where Jesus can be found within these passages. (And, remember that the name “Jesus” is simply the Aramaic version of the Hebrew ”Joshua” and that in the Septuagint they would have had the exact same name.)
Hebrews 3-4, pt.1
In this section, the writer explores the superiority of Christ to Moses in that only through Christ can we gain the Promised Land.
Hebrews 1-2, pt.2
For William Barclay, the great theme of the letter is how we access God, and how the barriers are removed and the doors opened through Christ so that we may forever dwell in God’s presence.
A Sermon on the Parable of the Dishonest Manager
Be disloyal to the powers and expectations of the world. Be disloyal to the wealth and privilege given to you. And go to debtors. Go where you are called to serve. For there you will find Christ. For there, you will find your eternal home.
Hebrews 1-2, pt.1
The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews takes us through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows us the superiority of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ over the Old Covenant of Moses and the prophets.