Ancient Anglican

A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.

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Revelations of Divine Love – The Beginning

Julian gives us a living example of how the good dirt of the parable becomes receptive to the seeds. Julian never asked for her revelations or even for intellectual insight or eternal salvation. Rather, she only asked to know Jesus better.
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Revelations of Divine Love – Background

It is within this time of war, plague, social rebellion, and religious division that Julian receives and transmits to us, her revelations of God’s tenderness and care and that “all will be well.”
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The Prophetic Imagination – Royal Consciousness, pt.2

He writes that Israel exchanged freedom for order, justice for security, and passion for satiation. The royal consciousness stands against any change. It saps our capacity and readiness to care and suffer for others, and to block out the cries of those who do.
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