Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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The Gospel of Mark – Chapters 2-3
Throughout Mark, we will see that the insider and authoritative person – scribes, Pharisees, and even sometimes the disciples – are the ones that oppose Jesus the strongest for they seek comprehension and power whereas Jesus brings mystery and suffering and death (in this world).
The Gospel of Mark – Chapter 1
We see this cosmic battle begin in Mark 1 in the desert temptation and particularly with the demonic in the synagogue. This cosmic battle therefore is being waged not only in the spiritual realm but on earth between Jesus and his followers and the secular and religious powers of the world.
The Gospel of Mark – Introduction, pt.2
The good news of Caesar Augustus was peace and prosperity in the empire as brought about and enforced by the Roman legions. Mark tells us that the good news of Jesus is not only something different than that offered by the Emperor but rivals and seeks to replace him.
The Gospel of Mark – Introduction, pt.1
We will read through Mark not as a mere recitation of facts, but as a work of literature. Therefore, we will focus on the organization of the Gospel and the words Mark uses in telling us who Jesus is (Christology), who the church is (Ecclesiology), and who God is (Theology).
The Lord’s Prayer – The Doxology
Does it not then follow, that if His be the kingdom, we should fear no one, since there can be none to withstand, and divide the empire with him.
The Lord’s Prayer – Write Your Own
Jesus gave us the Prayer as a template to follow, not as a mantra to repeat.
The Lord’s Prayer – Lead Us Not into Temptation
It is in this clause that Jesus speaks most directly about the atonement for he is the one that delivers us from the evil one.
The Lord’s Prayer – Forgive us Our Trespasses
How can you call God just when you read the parable of the laborers in the vineyard . . . or when you read the parable of the prodigal son . . . Where is God’s justice? Here is the fact that while we were sinners Christ died for us.
The Lord’s Prayer – Give Us Our Daily Bread
“Our Daily Bread” has four distinct layers of meaning: the material sustanence, the scriptures, Christ himself, and the gathered church community.
The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Will be Done
This petition represents the completion of our salvation as contained in the three Thou petitions – His Name is Hallowed, His Kingdom Comes, and His Will is therefore Done.
The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Kingdom Come
God’s Kingdom refers to 1) the completion of our sanctification, 2) the coming eschatological reign of Christ, and 3) the church.
The Lord’s Prayer – Hallowed be thy Name
The hollowing of God’s name can be seen as either an internal action worked within the soul of the believer or an external action taken by us.