Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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Prayer in the Night – Soothe the Suffering: Comfort, pt.2
In soothing our suffering, Jesus does not make us stronger. He may not even take away the cause of the suffering itself. But the promise he gives us is that in facing our suffering he will make it known that his grace is sufficient for us. 2 Cor. 12:9.
Prayer in the Night – Soothe the Suffering: Comfort, pt.1
As followers of Jesus, the promise is that will not escape suffering, but the promise is also that at the depth of our suffering, God will be there and the Holy Spirit will comfort and guide us.
Prayer in the Night – Bless the Dying: Ashes, pt.2
These depths of human vulnerability birth a particular kind of blessedness. What does it mean to find blessing in the darkest moments of our lives?
Prayer in the Night – Bless the Dying: Ashes, pt.1
Our faith is in a God who has come to rescue His creation from the absurdity of sin and the emptiness of death and so we are permitted to hate these things with a perfect hatred.
Prayer in the Night – Give Rest to the Weary: Weakness and Silence, pt.2
In silence, we come to rest in the ineffable presence of God and come to be patient with God’s own silence. It is in our silence, at the point of exhaustion, that our questions simply melt away, and true rest is found.
Prayer in the Night – Give Rest to the Weary: Weakness and Silence, pt.1
The promise that Jesus makes to us is that in our weariness, he will give us rest, and we will find our rest within him.
Prayer in the Night – Tend the Sick, Lord Christ: Embodiment, pt.2
The Prayer does not ask that the sick be healed, but that they be tended. It does not request a physician but a shepherd. What we are asking, is that God will guide us into the blessings that sickness can provide.
Prayer in the Night – Tend the Sick, Lord Christ: Embodiment, pt.1
We do not simply have bodies, we are bodies. Pain, pleasure, trauma, and anguish are embodied states.
Prayer in the Night – Give Your Angels Charge Over Those Who Sleep: Cosmos and Commonplace, pt.2
Rev. Warren invites us to see how the daily act of going to sleep is a spiritual practice of dying in Christ. The benefits of sleep come about when we surrender our own will, and the same is achieved in Jesus.
Prayer in the Night – Give your Angels Charge Over Those Who Sleep: Cosmos and Commonplace
Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals: Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer in the Night – Those Who Work: Restoration, pt.2
When we pray for healing or redemption or peace or justice, we are praying for those who work – for scientists, doctors, poets, potters, researchers, retail clerks, farmers, politicians, and pilots – these actual and limited men and women through who God is bringing renewal.
Prayer in the Night – Those Who Work: Restoration, pt.1
“Our work – whether paid or not, drudgery or not, skilled or common – makes a difference. Done well, it adds truth, beauty, and goodness to the world.” Again, our work is part of God’s work.