Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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The Story of Creation – Week 7(a) – John 1 and Colossians 1
Both John and Paul will directly adopt Philo’s understanding of the Logos in describing who Jesus is, and particularly Jesus’ pre-existence and role in creation. The uniqueness of their proclamation is that this Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The Story of Creation – Week 6(b) – Genesis 1:26-2:4
The classical idea of dominion carries with it a responsibility commensurate with the power given.
Man Created in the Image of the Trinity
The Father giving His commands, the Son carrying these into execution, and the Spirit nourishing.
The Story of Creation – Week 6(a) – Genesis 1:26-2:4
“You alone have been made in the image of the Reality that transcends all understanding, the likeness of imperishable beauty, the imprint of true divinity, the recipient of supreme blessedness, the seal of the true light.”
The Story of Creation – Week 5(b) – Genesis 1:6-25
Genesis teaches that God does not simply bring about Creation and steps back, but remains intimately involved with his Creation.
The Story of Creation – Week 5(a) – Genesis 1:6-25
Days 1-6. Grasping and glimpsing the Divine in Creation through an analogy of being (analogia entis).
The Story of Creation – Week 4(b) – Genesis 1:3-5
Within this reading there are three words to focus upon: Said, Light, and Called. What is the power of speech, what do we mean by light, and what does it mean to name something?
The Story of Creation – Week 4(a) – Genesis 1:3-5
“God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.” A short discussion on Theodicy and Evil as Negation.
The Story of Creation – Week 3(b) – Genesis 1:1b-2
“The earth was without form and void/ and darkness was upon the face of the deep/ and the Ruach Elohim moved over the face of the waters.” Let your mind’s eye see what the passage is saying about who God is, who we are, and how we relate.
The Story of Creation – Week 3(a) – Genesis 1:1b-2
The merism of “heaven and earth” express the totality of the cosmic phenomena at creation.
The Story of Creation – Week 2(b) – Genesis 1:1a
As we begin to spiritually unveil the deeper meaning of Scripture, our goal is to see who God is, who we are we, and the relationship between the two. There is no “right” answer, there is only growing closer to the Ultimate Divine Reality.
The Story of Creation – Week 2(a) – Genesis 1:1a
This week we will be looking at the first three words of the Hebrew Scriptures: Bereshit bara Elohim (“In the beginning God created” or literally “In the beginning created God”)