Ancient Anglican

A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.

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Immortal Diamond – Thou Art Thou, pt.1

The existential gap between the Divine Reality and our Human Condition is closed only through the union of the Human and the Divine in Jesus Christ. And in the closing of that gap, we find our True Self.
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Immortal Diamond – The Invitation

Rohr speaks to us on Easter morning, in the light of the Resurrection of Christ in which death and evil and victimhood are left behind and a new, transformed, and resurrected creation has arisen.
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Immortal Diamond – Introduction

This book is about transformation and how the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not simply a historical event, but, more importantly, is a present reality in which we can participate.
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Ecclesiastes 6 – No Satisfaction

In our striving to obtain whatever we believe will give contentment and happiness, we will lose that contentment and happiness. We will never obtain enough to bring us the happiness that we ultimately seek.  
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Ecclesiastes 5 – Vows Before God

The Speaker is concerned with our making promises to God (i.e. vows) that we cannot satisfy. It is better not to vow at all than to vow and not fulfill. Thus the Speaker tells us that vows are not to be taken lightly or inadvisably.
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Ecclesiastes 4 – Insouciance

When the Speaker addresses oppression, he simply describes the situation with no contemporaneous recognition of any role that he could play to address the oppression that he sees.
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Ecclesiastes 4 – Companionship

The Speaker finds great value in companionship. Two are better than one in their endeavors and for support, warmth, and protection. In vv.9-12, the Speaker extols the goodness of having a companion.
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