Ancient Anglican

A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.

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The Servant Songs of Isaiah – Chapters 52-53, pt.2

In this last Song, the Servant suffers silently and vicariously on behalf of others. He bears their griefs and sorrows, their transgressions and iniquities.  And, in this Song, the Servant’s death is spoken of.  But it is within this suffering and death, that the nations see and come to understand God.
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The Servant Songs of Isaiah – Chapter 50, pt.1

It is the image that now the time has come to be delivered. Now is the time that God has chosen to intervene in history to bring salvation to his people. This is the same understanding we have when Jesus enters Jerusalem on the colt.
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The Servant Songs of Isaiah – Chapter 42, pt.1

Out of this profound sense of despondency, the prophet comes to proclaim God’s redemption of his people and to give them an understanding of the divine economy and the role that suffering plays. And so he begins with the proclamation of “Comfort, Comfort, ye my people.”
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Names of God: Jehovah Rohi (Our Shepherd)

hroughout the Hebrew Scriptures, and specifically in the Psalms and the Prophets, God is seen as the shepherd of his people. It is this name of God, that Jesus that specifically appropriates to himself.
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Names of God: Jehovah-tseboath (God of War)

Read is a spiritual manner (2 Cor. 3:6), these prophetic pronouncements concerning Jehovah-tseboath are not judgments upon people but against the adversarial hosts of darkness and evil (Eph. 6:12), the destruction of which brings about the restoration of the image of God within us all.
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Names of God: Jehovah-shalom (God of Peace)

The God of Peace, in the first instance, doesn’t bring peace among the inhabitants of this world, rather, the Peace is between God and his Creation so that, like Gideon, there is no longer any fear. 
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