Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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Ezekiel 3 – Ezek. 13-15, pt.2
This week we are looking at Ezekiel’s specific condemnation of false prophets and false leaders of the community, and how their errant leadership affects the community.
Ezekiel 3 – Ezek. 13-15, pt.1
As you read through these chapters, read them in light of Christ and his Church, and where and how false prophets and leaders in the Church arise and how they affect the Church of Christ.
Ezekiel 2 – Ezek. 8-11, pt.2
The idolatry witnessed by Ezekiel was the intentional divine worship of other things. Since we don’t offer incense to pagan deities anymore, how are modern idolatries, such as money, power, etc., similar to or different than the idolatries of Chapter 8?
Ezekiel 2 – Ezek. 8-11, pt.1
These four chapters are a microcosm of the Old Testament’s salvation history of sin (chapter 8), physical judgment (chapter 9), spiritual judgment (chapter 10), and the promise of restoration (chapter 11).
Ezekiel 1 – 1:1-3:15, pt.2
So then, by the river Chebar, Ezekiel saw the heavens opened when he was thirty years old. And the Lord Jesus Christ, “when he began he was about
thirty years old”, by the Jordan River, and “the heavens were opened”. And throughout the entire
prophecy of Ezekiel, he is called: “son of man.”
Ezekiel 1 – 1:1-3:15, pt.1
The reason to read through Ezekiel during Epiphany is because both the prophet himself and his teachings prefigure the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Angels – Their Ministry and Our Experience (Readings)
Attached are the Readings from Week 3.
Angels – Their Ministry and Our Experience
Tonight we will look at the ministry of angels in the Scriptures and allow time for us to share our personal experiences with angels
Angels – The Celestial Hierarchy, pt.2
Our discussion this evening on the different orders of angels will be guided by Chapter 7-9 of the work “Celestial Hierarchy” by the sixth-century Syrian theologian Pseudo-Dionysius.
Angels – The Celestial Hierarchy, pt.1
This week we are going to look at the nine choirs of angels in the Celestial Heirarchy – Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
Angels – Who Are They? (Readings)
Attached are the Readings from Week 1.
Angels – Who Are They?, pt.2
This week will explore the general nature of angels and the similarities that we share with them. We’ll also look at the angelic worship of God within scripture and how that worship provides the template for our own worship of the Divine.