Ancient Anglican
A Modern Perspective on Early Christian Thought.
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Prayer in the Night – Those Who Watch: Gorillas, Ghosts, and Fairies
When we watch, we need to open our mind’s eye to the divine reality that is within us and that surrounds us. We need to see the realm of the intangible, qualitative world of meaning, value, and higher purpose.
Prayer in the Night – Those Who Watch: Attention
Watching is a craft to develop. To watch is to wait, patiently. Watching implies attention, yearning, and hope. If the fear in the night tells us that grace will not be enough, then in watching we must be attentive to the grace that is there.
Prayer in the Night – The Mourner’s Kaddish
During our discussions tonight on the absence of weekly liturgical prayer specifically for those who are mourning, we discussed the Mourner’s Kaddish which is said each week during a traditional Jewish prayer service. The prayer is as follows:
Prayer in the Night – Those Who Weep: Lament pt.2
We ask God to keep watch with those who weep because we know the end. John gives us this vision of a transformed creation where the church is that beautiful, life-giving, at-one-ness with God. “Weeping may tarry for the night / but joy comes with the morning.” Ps. 30:5b.
Prayer in the Night – Those Who Weep: Lament pt.1
It is in the quiet and in the solitude of the night that our unresolved sadness begins to spill out. We ask God to watch over those who persist in unresolved grief because we know that each of us will suffer from this persistent grief.
Ecclesiastes – A Post-Script
Years after completing our study on Ecclesiastes, I ran across a blog post by Richard Beck at Experimental Theology concerning how Ecclesiastes fits within the Hebrew canon. This post is reproduced here.
Prayer in the Night – Keep Watch, Dear Lord: Pain and Presence, pt.2
She ends this chapter with the promise that God does make: “he will keep us close, even in darkness, in doubt, in fear and in vulnerability. He promises that we will not be left alone. He will keep watch with us in the night.”
Prayer in the Night – Keep Watch, Dear Lord: Pain and Presence, pt.1
The question, therefore, that we must face is “How do we trust a God who does not stop [bad things] from happening? How do we dare ask him to keep watch?”
Prayer in the Night – Finding Compline: Nightfall
When we pray the prayers we’ve been given by the church – the prayers of the psalmist and the saints, the Lord’s Prayer, the Daily Office – we pray beyond what we can know, believe, or drum up ourselves.
Prayer in the Night – The Prologue
As I prayed that night, I wanted to believe the things I proclaimed: that God knew and loved me, that this terrible moment, too, would be redeemed. I believed it and I didn’t. Reaching for this old prayer service was an act of hope.
Prayer in the Night – An Introduction
In her book, Rev. Warren seeks to guide us into a very heart-centered experiential contemplation of our relationship with God, even when it seems that God may be absent.
2023 Preview
A Preview of our studies for 2023. We hope you can join us at 6pm every Tuesday in 2023 beginning January 10.